A few weeks ago, we wrote a blog about your wedding day from a planner’s perspective. Since then, we’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback – it seems clients and vendors alike enjoy a peak behind the scenes! Because of that, we decided to give this blog a try – a day in the life of a wedding planner. It’s not all glamorous and fun, but to be honest, a lot of it is! When your passion is your job, it makes for a pretty wicked work day.


Because most of our clients are working professionals, our days start a little later so we can end a little later and accommodate our couples. Before we get to work, we’re grabbing a few extra ZZZs, several extra puppy kisses, and for our lead planner, plenty of extra baby giggles. Our days typically start with java (extra espresso, please!) so we’re pumped and ready to go when we get into the studio.

moore stylists10am

By this time, most, if not all of us, are in studio. Some planners prefer to work from home, and while we do enjoy that occasionally, we find that working in the same space really gets our creative juices flowing. We’re easily able to bounce ideas off one another, problem solve, debrief about The Bachelor, and tackle tasks together.


After several, “Guess what the baby did last night” stories (totally normal) and a few, “Guess what my dog did last night” tales (surprisingly normal), we spend our mornings catching up on e-mails, following up with leads, and tying up loose ends from the day before. We have a shared weekly task list that we check in with to divide and conquer!

Late Morning to Early Afternoon

A good portion of our client meetings tend to happen in the 11-1pm time frame because our couples are able to swing over to the studio on a lunch break. We love that our to-dos are constantly changing from one day to the next, but when we get to meet with a perspective bride and groom or one that’s already joined our family, we are always bubbling with excitement. From consults, to design presentations, to planning sessions, a mid-day break filled with face-to-face meetings is always the best.

The Afternoon Slump

We all have them – those few hours after lunch where everything seems to move in slow motion. Luckily, because we work in an open space all together (no cubicles for us!), there’s always someone (read: Courtney) able to perk us back up! If even those pep talks don’t work, it’s off to the coffee shop next store for some much needed refreshments (Jaded Bean, please never leave us).

Mid-Afternoon to Early Evening

After we’ve perked back up, we go into overdrive. We spend our afternoons working on floor plans, timelines for upcoming weddings, calling vendors, getting proposals, tweaking budgets, posting on social media…the list goes on and on. It seems we’re really able to get in a rhythm this time of day and nothing thrills us more than checking items off the list! If we’re lucky, sample linens, rentals, flower arrangements, and more are delivered around this time, which can only mean one thing: mock wedding set-ups for our clients! Getting to play with fabrics and chargers and votives and more is almost as much fun as bringing it all together on the big day!

It’s 5 o’clock Somewhere

While we’re not breaking into the bubbly just yet (unless of course we have a client meeting!), 5-7pm are the golden hours. We spend our evenings on the phone with brides and grooms, mothers, bridesmaids, and perspective clients. They’ve spent all day anxiously awaiting the end of the day so they can chat about the wedding and who are we to deny them that?! We love ending the day putting out fires (okay, sounds crazy, but it’s true!), finalizing payments, answering questions, and prepping for the big day. If it’s the day before a wedding, we’re headed to rehearsal during this time to run the show and make sure all the Ts are crossed and Is dotted! Even after a long day at the office, there’s nothing better than making our couples happy just before we head out.

So there you have it! It may not seem glamorous to some, but to us, a day in the studio is one more day of living the dream. We geek out over organization and design, so it’s no surprise that we love what we do so much! Even on the toughest days, there’s always the next day that makes us forget we ever had a problem in the first place!